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Protect Your Identity


Identity Theft and Phishing are crimes.

This page is intended to help individuals identify fraud and fraudulent activities, take steps to protect their identity and, if needed, take measures to report theft and fraud. The links included on this page are provided as tools for consumers to research the latest news and advice on identity theft and fraud.

Fraud is disguised in many forms, and fraudsters are coming up with new vices every day. If you believe your debit card has been stolen, call 1-800-445-5745 or after Business hours please call 1-800-472-3272 to report it immediately.

Identity Theft

Identity Theft occurs when your personal information is obtained without your knowledge or consent and used to commit fraud or theft. Although it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of identity theft or fraud, there are ways you can minimize your risk.

Helpful Hints

  • Do not provide personal information to anyone over the phone, through the mail or over the internet unless you have initiated the contact or you are sure who you are working with.
  • Do not carry your social security card with you.
  • Do not have your social security number or phone number printed on your checks.
  • Shred any receipt or document which contains personal information.
  • Avoid creating passwords with easily identifiable information (birthdates, phone number, SSN).
  • Promptly remove mail from your mailbox and alert the U.S. Postal Service if you will be away from your home.


Phishing usually comes in the form of fraudulent emails that appear to come from legitimate sources. These ask customers to verify personal information, link to counterfeit web sites, or offer a reward. Phishing emails appear very authentic.

What to keep watch for:

  • Emails that urge you to act quickly because your account may be suspended or closed, or update your personal information.
  • Emails that don’t address you by name but use generic greeting.
  • Emails that ask for account numbers, passwords, Access ID’s or other personal information.


It is imperative to execute the necessary steps to protect your personal information: your online accounts, your paper information and your home computer.

  • If you receive an email that appears to be from Anstaff Bank asking you for personal information, or to follow a link to update your security details, treat it as suspicious. Never reply to an email with sensitive information (mothers’ maiden name, SSN, PIN or card numbers, account number, etc.) simply delete the email; you do not need to take further action.
  • If you have responded to an email that you suspect may be fraudulent, contact Anstaff Bank immediately (870-438-5214).
  • Telephone fraud is on the rise. This would include fraudsters calling customers asking personal information questions. They may already know some identifying information and will be very cunning.
  • Never share personal information unless you are confident of who you are dealing with. Anstaff Bank will never call you to verify your passwords.
  • If you believe any of your personal details have been compromised, contact Anstaff Bank immediately (870-438-5214).
  • Do not write down pin numbers. Whenever you use your pin number, shield the pin from onlookers.
  • Secure your debit or credit card for online purchases. When you register with MasterCard Secure Code you help ensure that you are the only party using your card online. You will be issued a special code that must be entered for each online purchase.
  • Treat your card, pin number, and passwords as though they were cash. They are.
  • If we have reason to believe your debit card has been compromised, we will code it appropriately to attempt to protect your accounts and try to reach you immediately.
  • If you travel, work or live outside of the United States, inform us immediately so we can take appropriate measures.
  • Protect your home computer by having up to date Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware software installed on your computer.
  • Use a Personal Firewall. Firewalls serve as a protective barrier between your computer and the Internet, preventing unauthorized access to your computer when you’re online.
  • Install security updates regularly. Set up your computer to receive updates automatically whenever possible.
  • Be proactive and on guard about protecting yourself. Check your credit report annually. You may order online at www.annualcreditreport.com or call 1-877-322-8228 for a free copy (one free per year).

Credit Bureaus


To order your credit report, call: 1-800-685-1111
To report fraud, call: 1-800-525-6285


To order your credit report or report fraud, call: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)


To order your credit report call: 1-800-916-8800
To report fraud, call: 1-800-680-7289

Secure Your Peace of Mind

Looking for ways to monitor and protect your identity? Check out our Privileges Checking account to see what services we can offer you!


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